Tutorial on the subtraction of vectors.
Vectors are mathematical quantities used to represent concepts such as force or velocity which have both a magnitude and a direction.
Subtraction of Vectors
The subtraction of vectors A - B may be changed into an addition A + (- B). In the applet below A and B are drawn (draw button) first, then -B (in green) and then A + (- B) in red (subtract button).
If vectors A and B are given by their components as follows:
A = < u1 , v1 > and B = < u2 , v2 >, then the components of vector A - B are < u1 - u2 , v1 - v2 > or
A - B = < u1 - u2 , v1 - v2 >
Enter different components in the html5 applet below for vectors A and B and explain the results.